Giving Thanks
Next week, many of us will gather with our family and stop for a day to give thanks.
Today I want to share a story about a gentleman I never knew, but it’s an interesting story nonetheless. Edwin “Bud” Skalla was a farmer in Western Iowa; he never married, never had kids and he cared for his mother until her death in 1984. Most of what I have learned about Mr. Skalla includes: he was not a people person, he was a frugal man and he was known as a miser to most. Over the years, Mr. Skalla farmed the Iowa land – he amassed 1200 acres of it. He died November 26, 2013 at the age of 92. Only 50 people were in attendance at his funeral mass, but this story is about what happened after Bud died.
Watch this video:
Bud leaves an amazing legacy, and many are thankful today for this generous gift. November 26th is a special date for me personally, I lost a most beloved Aunt on that day one year prior. See, in today’s society of instant gratification and self-entitlement, we sometimes forget about Humanity. Every article I could find about Bud Skalla mentions the fact that no one would have ever expected his generosity. Many said he had a tough demeanor and thought he had a cold heart. Yet, Bud Skalla should restore your faith in people. Mr. Skalla, I am thankful to learn about your story. Thank you for your act of kindness and generosity.